Emergency Measures Preparedness Meeting

June 16th, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Pavilion - Elk Ridge Resort

The Council of our Resort Village has engaged the expertise of

Leslie Tuchek to get our emergency measures organization off to a good start.  Leslie is certified in emergency management and rapid damage assessment and was a firefighter and medical first responder for the District of Lakeland.


Leslie has requested attendance from each of the Condo Boards, the Water Utility, Routes2Sk and Council so that we can become aware of our respective duties, responsibilities and liabilities.


As well. a community plan cannot be effective without volunteer involvement!  Please come, one and all, and find out where and how you can be involved in this critical organization. An unprecedented wildfire season has certainly underscored the need!!!


If you cannot attend but wish to be involved, please contact Michele, our Acting CAO with your contact info:


Michele Bonneau

1 (306)940-9052


ExploreElk Ridge