Welcome Newcomers

                      To the Resort Village of Elk Ridge


Welcome to the Resort Village of Elk Ridge, an exciting and vibrant community that offers all season living, visiting and world class amenities.  The Resort Village of Elk Ridge consists of four condominium corporations (the Estates, the Villas, the Townhouses, the Cottages) and Elk Ridge Resort which is a business privately owned by Routes2SK. Elk Ridge Resort also hosts the award winning, privately owned adventure park, TreeOSix.

Who provides what services?


Resort Village of Elk Ridge:

  • Collects property and education taxes.
  • Mayor and four Councilors are elected from the community.  Next election is July 27, 2024.
  • Develops and enforces bylaws that serve the community.
  • The Resort Village Office is located beside The Wyld.  Office hours vary seasonally and are posted outside the office.  Currently the approved hours are:  Winter (Nov-Apr) Tues/Thurs 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Summer (May-Oct) Wed/Sat 11:00 am - 3:00, Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
  • There is a locked mailbox located outside the municipal office.
  • Manages development, building permits and inspections.
  • Provides public works including street lighting, municipal road maintenance and snow removal.
  • Manages waste management and recycling.
  • Provides access to the use of outdoor recreational facilities in the community (ski trails, hiking trails, skating rink and toboggan hills) through an annual agreement with Routes2SK Inc.
  • Chief Administrative Officer is Michele Bonneau who can be reached at inforelkridge@sasktel.net and (306) 940-9052, Box 171, Waskesiu SK S0J 2Y0.

Mayor:                  Garry McKay - McKay.elkridge@sasktel.net

Councilors:         Trudy Engel - Engel.elkridge@sasktel.net;                                                              

                               Ross Hewett - ross.hewett@sastkel.net;                                                          

                               Marg Smith-Windsor - margaretsmithwindsor@gmail.com

Website: www.resortvillageofelkridge.ca

Office Email: infoelkridge@sasktel.net 


Utility Corp:

  • A non-profit Corporation with five members including the four condo corps and Elk Ridge Resort.
  • Governed by a volunteer board with representation from each of the members.
  • Manages a multi-million dollar, engineered, high quality sewer and water infrastructure.
  • Licensed operators for sewer and water and regulated by the Saskatchewan Water Authority.
  • All residents pay the same base water and sewer rates plus a metered rate based upon usage.  Billings are invoiced quarterly.
  • ER Resort pays a commercial base rate and the standard rate for water usage.
  • ER Utility has a website for further information:  www.elkridgeutility.ca
  • Office: 1-306-663-1239 or Russell Nelson 1-306-961-0637

Email:  manager@elkridgeutility.ca


The Resort:

  • Is privately owned by Routes2SK.
  • Provides the golf course, Pro Shop, The Wyld and Frederich’s restaurants, the Lodge, seasonal RV lots, a spa, rental cabins and storage compound.  
  • Provides community and guest recreational activities: cross country skiing, walking trails, pond and hockey skating, tobogganing, fireworks displays, special occasion events.
  • Owns all land within ER boundaries including some vacant lots in the Estates, excluding land occupied by the four condominium corporation unit owners.
  • Leases land to TreeOSix which is a privately owned adventure park located on Elk Ridge Place. www.treeosix.com
  • Provides accommodation for Resort staff.
  • Website: www.elkridgeresort.com

Condominium Boards:

  • Each of the condo corporations has its own board that is its governing body in accordance with the Condominium Act.
  • Board directors are elected at the annual AGMs.
  • The Boards establish, maintain and enforce bylaws that define the condo rules, regulations and responsibilities of the Corporation and the owners. The Estates Condo Corp establishes its own building bylaws and approves and inspects all construction within its subdivision.
  • Boards prepare and administer operating budgets and reserve funds to service the needs of the Corporation funded by owners’ condo fees. The condo fees vary widely in accordance with the responsibilities of each condo corp.
  • The budgets and sponsored activities are approved by the owners at the AGM. 


Elk Ridge Community Owners’ Association (ERCOA):

  • Board consists of representatives from each of the four condo corps and ER Resort.
  • Mandate is to coordinate activities of interest to the ER community.
  • Conducts fundraising to support the community activities.
  • Depending upon community interest, has previously scheduled fun golf, community BBQs and garage sales.


What about taxes and fees?

  • SAMA (Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency) assesses the value of your land and unit.  The Government of Saskatchewan determines what percentage of the assessed value will be taxed.  The Government also sets the mill rate on the education portion of your taxes. The Resort Village determines the mill rate for the municipal portion of your taxes.
  • You remit property taxes to the Resort Village.  The RV collects the municipal and education taxes and submits the education portion to the government (which is over half of your property taxes).
  • You pay your condo fees to your condominium corporation per their instructions.
  • You pay utility fees/connection fees as well as an initial access fee to the Utility in order to join the Elk Ridge Utility Corporation for sewer and water.


Where do I take my garbage and recyclables?

  • A central waste management depot has been established on Elk Ridge Place and is administered by the Resort Village.  The depot has 6 containers for bagged household garbage, a large roll-off bin for flattened cardboard and other recyclables.  There are also receptacles for returnable bottles and cans.
  • Bylaw 22-2022 a Bylaw Respecting the Collection, Disposal and Managment of Waste and Recylables regulates the collection and management of waste and recyclabes in the community.
  • For a week each spring and fall, a large roll-off bin is at the depot for larger items.
  • Construction materials, old appliances, household accessories, furniture. deadfall should be taken to the landfills in Emma Lake or Prince Albert.
  • Garbage cannot be left outside to attract bears, skunk, coyotes or ravens.


What level of fire protection do we have?

  • Fire protection is provided by the Lakeland and District Fire Department.
  • Fire fighters are trained volunteers who respond on a best-efforts basis.
  • Prince Albert National Park (PANP) provides backup fire-fighting if required.


What about Postal Service?

  • Currently:  Postal Service is provided through mailboxes located in the parking lot next to the Patio Café in Waskesiu.  Larger parcels will be held for pick-up at LT’s Food and Fuel on the corner of Hwy 2 and Hwy 264.
  • To obtain a mailbox you must visit the Post Office at Christopher Lake.
  • Fall 2024:  A set of Community mail boxes will be located in Elk Ridge (one location) and corresponding to civic addresses.  At this time, Elk Ridge will have it's own postal code (S0J 0N1).  Canada Post will be reaching out to all residents regarding this initiative.


What about Emergency Health Services?

  • Volunteer First Responders with emergency first aid training in the ER Community and PANP will respond to 911 calls.
  • Ground ambulance is available from Prince Albert, if required.
  • STARS air ambulance has a registered landing site at ER and is avaiable if required. 


What are grinder pumps?

  • Many units are serviced by a grinder pump that collects all solid materials and wastewater from the units.  The solid materials are then ground into a small size suitable for pumping as a slurring with wastewater.  The grinder pump generates sufficient pressure to pump this slurry from the unit to the Utility's wastewater treatemetn receiving line. 
  • New construction requires an E1 grinder pump, connections and fittings that are purchased through the Water Utility.  All installations must be applied for and approved by the Water Utility.
  • Grinder pumps are very expensive to service and replace.  Care must be taken.  Regulatory agencies advise that the following items should not be introduced into any sewer, either directly or through a kitchen waste disposal:
  • Glass, seafood shells, diapers, socks, rags or cloth, syringes, cotton swabs, personal cleaning wipes and sponges, disposable toothbrushes, metal or plastic objects (toys, utensils, etc.) kitty litter, latex/vinyl items, dental floss, aquarium gravel, sanitary napkins or tampons, condoms and cigarette butts. 
  • Power failure – do not run water in sinks, showers or flush toilets.  Grinder pumps cannot dispose of wastewater without electrical power and will flood the unit if capacity is breached.


How do I get internet service?

  • Sasktel provides internet service within Elk Ridge.
  • Contact Sasktel directly for installation. 


How do I get a spot in the storage area?

  • The storage facility is owned and rented out by Elk Ridge Resort.
  • Contact Elk Ridge Resort directly for availability and costs.


What social events are held?

  • ERCOA may schedule activities such as garage sales and fun golf and BBQ days depending upon community interest.


What is my unit’s physical address?

The Estates:    Estates Drive

The Villas :       Eagle View Way

Townhouses:  Fairway Drive

Cottages:         Cottage Crescent 


  • Your address that is listed with the Civic Address Registry of Saskatchewan is your unit # and your Road name.

ie : 53 Estates Drive, Resort Village of Elk Ridge.


  • For mail, we currently use the Waskesiu Postal Code as shown in this example:

ie:  37 Eagle View Way, Waskesiu Lake SK  S0J 2Y0


  • The Resort Village is working with Canada Post for our own postal code and community mailboxes.  (FALL 2024)


How do I get someone to check my unit during long absences?

  • There are a few local contractors who will provide this service for a fee.


Where can I use my ATV and/or snow machine?

  • You can use your ATV or snow machine on condominium roads and Arne Petersen Way for access and egress only.  Not on private property!  Maps are available at the lodge for designated trails outside the Resort.  
  • Provincial legislation and Department of Transport rules and regulations apply.


Can I have a firepit?

  • Each condo corp and the Resort Village have regulations regarding wood burning open fires. Please acquaint yourselves with all applicable rules and bylaws.


Are pets allowed?

  • Dogs and cats are allowed.
  • Pets must be on leash when out of the unit.
  • Owners are responsible for picking up after their pets.
  • Each condo corp has their own regulations pertaining pets along with the Resort Village Bylaw 18-2022 the Animal Control Bylaw.


Where can I park my boat?

  • Boats can be parked on your driveway during the summer season.
  • Boats can be stored in your garage.
  • Elk Ridge Resort rents storage spaces.
  • PANP has a marina and a boat storage compound for summer and winter.


What volunteer opportunities exist?

  • Opportunities include your condominium board, ER Utility Board, ERCOA Board and various Resort Village committees.
  • Let the Boards,  and/or the CAO know of your interest.

ExploreElk Ridge