Waste & recycling

Waste & Recycling services are contracted out.  Waste & recycling containers are located in a waste management area on Elk Ridge Place.  Please use marked bins accordingly.  

Items accepted in the Waste bins: solid, non-hazardous waste materials including general household garbage, food, yard & garden waste, etc.  

Waste not accepted:  automotive parts, batteries, building materials, vegetation, fences, gates or similar fixtures, dead animals, concrete, grease, liquid waste, hazardous substances such as bio-medical waste/syringes, flammable substances such as gasoline/propane, paint/stains or rags used for painting/staining, aerosol cans, furniture, major appliances, oil, propane tank, sod/vegetation, soil, tires, items over 1 meter in length and any objects that present a health or safety risk to a person such as broken glass, razor blades, sharp edge tins unless such objects are contained in appropriate container marked "SHARP".

Items accepted in Blue Recycling bins:  newspapers, inserts, flattened cardboard, box and paperboards, cartons, milk cartons, juice cartons, paper, office bond, photocopier paper, paper bags, envelopes, letter paper and computer print outs, telephone books, catalogues, magazines, household tin cans, aluminum cans, plastic shopping/store and grocery bags, plastic soft drink and water bottles, household plastic containers and bottles.

All items listed above must be free from any soil or contamination and in the case of any container must be rinsed with caps removed.  Plastic items must display the recycling arrows with a number 1 through 7 on the bottom. 

Recyclables not accepted:  styrofoam, ceramics, light bulbs, soiled cardboard, broken glass, sharp edge tins, knives, nails, screws,  hazardous chemical containers, scrap metal, car parts, plastic toys, or household garbage such as plastic wrap, plastic bags or glass. 

                                               waste notice           Recycling Bins