Regular Council Meeting

January 16th, 2024
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Elk Ridge Resort Lodge - Wapiti Room

Resort Village of Elk Ridge


January 16, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. – Regular Meeting – Elk Ridge Resort


  1. Call to Order – The Mayor called the meeting of Council to order.
  2. Approval of Agenda:

MOTION: That the agenda for this meeting be approved as presented.

  1. Adoption of Minutes:

3.1 Minutes of the December 19, 2023 Regular Meeting.

MOTION: That the Minutes of the December 19, 2023 Regular Meeting be approved as presented.

  1. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: None
  2. Delegations Scheduled:
  3. Public Hearings:
  4. Public Acknowledgements:
  5. Business Arising from Minutes:

8.1  Public Disclosure – annual declarations.                                        

  1. New Business:

9.1 Office hours/work

9.2 Utility Implementation Steering Committee

9.3 2022 Audit

9.4 Council Meetings 2024

  1. Motions:
  2. Administration Reports:
    • CAO Report and Updates

MOTION: That Council receive and file the financial statement and list of accounts payable for December 2023.

  1. Reading of Bylaw(s):
  2. Notice of Motion:
  3. Inquiries:
  4. In camera:
  5. Information Items/Correspondence:


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